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Relaxed downwind sailing with Parasailor by

The ISTEC Parasailor is an innovative sail that has been designed specifically for sailing downwind. By integrating a unique paraglider-style wing and safety vents into a sail, the Parasailor has solved many of the drawbacks of using conventional spinnakers and downwind sailing.
How the wing works?
A tailwind fills the sail and propels the yacht forward (advance). Part of the pressure escapes through the opening in the sail behind which the wing has been fitted in such a way that the air flows past above and below it. Thanks to the shape of the wing and the angle at which the air flows towards it (with the angle optimised for efficiency), the air on the surface of the wing accelerates faster than the air beneath it. Low pressure then forms on the surface which literally sucks the wing upwards and stabilises it (lift).

The wing lift achieves two essentials effects: Firstly the pressure on the bow is minimised. And secondly the propulsion is increased because the wing's optimised angle of efficiency is designed so that the loss of propulsion caused by the opening is completely compensated for.
Why choose Parasailor for
relaxed downwind sailing?
Eliminate broaching
When sailing downwind, boats can broach when they experience an overload of force within the sail, usually caused by a sudden gust or unexpected increase in the wind strength. Trapped in the sail, the excess force is then transferred through the rig and into the hull, which can cause a sudden, violent change of course, pitching or rolling or in severe cases damage to the sail, boat or even causing a capsize. The Parasailor effectively eliminates the risk of broaching by incorporating safety valves, which spill any excess wind gusts harmlessly out to sea.
Impeccable stability
The Parasailor’s most distinguishing feature is its aerofoil wing. It has two functions; firstly to give the sail (and boat) stability and secondly, to generate lift.
Stability The wing is dual-skinned and contains dozens of small air pockets, which automatically inflate when the sail is filled by the wind. These inflating pockets make the wing semi-rigid and act like a soft batten across the sail, holding it open and giving it its shape.
Lift Foresails have a tendency to push the bow lower in the water. The wing of Parasailor generates lift, which achieves the pressure on the bow is minimised.
Designed for short-handed crews
The Parasailor with the patent-filed hybrid wing was developed especially for short-handed crews. Launch and dowse the sail in a matter of moments using the exceptional EasySnuffer. Control of the Parasailor is then operated using normal sheets and guys, with no need for any additional deck furniture, such as a pole or a furler.
The wing is always trying to find the optimum sailing angle, so any trimming of the sheets is minimal. Indeed, the wing is so forgiving, that even if you come off the wind due to a course change or wind shift, the wing will help keep the sail open and give you an opportunity to correct your heading.
No pole required
There are several ways of rigging the Parasailor. While it is perfectly fine to use the spinnaker pole just like with a regular spinnaker, it is definitely not necessary to do that. The spreading moment of the wing suffices to conveniently use the Parasailor without a pole.
Good from 70° to 180° AWA
Two sails in one! The Parasailor works from 70° to 180° apparent wind angle (AWA), that is, its covers the domains of both symmetric and asymmetric spinnakers taken together.
Works well on autopilot
A match made in heaven: the Parasailor on autopilot. It's great to see how well they go together. The Parasailor, on the one hand, with its great self-trimming characteristics easily copes with the steering of the autopilot. On the other hand, the autopilot does not have to intervene much, as the Parasailor has almost no tendency to roll.
15 exciting colour designs
The choice is yours - the next-generation Parasailor is available in 15 exciting colour designs. Naturally, the designs are true to ISTEC's philosophy of the dark leeches, which makes observing the sail easier on the eyes in bright light conditions.
Choose your color
Highly durable
Each Parasailor is a highly durable product. Already its structure lets it cope with hard gusts much better than regular spinnakers. The horizontal opening is a true safety vent, allowing a sudden and strong increase in air pressure to exit the sail in a controlled manner. Furthermore, the multi-ply and double-stiched clews as well as the webbing and dacron tape reinforced leeches make the Parasailor a tough downwind sail.
Attention to detail
Every part of the Parasailor has been made with the utmost care, using materials and production methods beyond any other sailmaker. Each sail is also bespoke and made to the specifications of each individual customer. The sail, as well as the wing is made from aeronautical-grade fabric. This is not only extremely strong, but also very light with exceptional resistance to UV damage. Each Parasailor is also constructed with the same care and attention to detail that goes into making paragliders and parachutes. The edges of the Parasailor, as well as the edges of the EasySnuffer and the sail bag are colour-coded, for easy reference when launching and dousing.
As their names suggest, the Parasail and the Parasailor are very similar.

Developed as a variant of the Parasailor, the Parasail designed to work on smaller boats (less than 30' in length). The principle of the Parasail is the same as the Parasailor, and it works in exactly the same way. However, the wing of the Parasail is single-skinned and therefore does not contain the air pockets which provide additional stability.

Instead, it is the cut of the sail which provides the lift and stability instead. As a consequence the stability and lift of the sail is reduced somewhat, but because it is lighter, the sail is easier to use and will sail better in very light winds. With very little tendency to roll, it is ideal for small crews. Use of the spinnaker pole is possible but not necessary.

Compared to the three-dimensional wing of the Parasailor, this simpler design is not entirely as effective, but reduces manufacturing costs.
The right wing for your requirements
Parasailor or Parasail? Or may be good old Spinnaker and Gennaker? Which sail represents the best value for you depends entirely on your boat size and sailing ambitions.
Easysnuffer PRO
  • Two-stage control system
    The Easysnuffer features a two-stage control system which, as you pull the line first tightens the upper part of the sock while leaving the lower part straight. This avoids the sail getting stuck in the sock and being pulled up with it.

    More details about Easysnuffer PRO
  • Oval funnel - super
    Hoisting and lowering the sail is significantly facilitated by the Easysnuffer's super light funnel. Thanks to its oval shape the wind can easily push the funnel up as it fills the sail. The oval shape of the funnel is also beneficial for snuffing the sail. The funnel will nicely gather the sail in when pulling down on the line.
  • Just on line to go up and down
    The Easysnuffer is controlled by a single line outside and by two control lines inside, one on each side, each encased in channels sewn onto the sock. With this design, the control lines simply cannot tangle with the sail. Furthermore, the channels are made of white cloth which contrasts nicely with the grey fabric of the sock and therefore is an optical guide helping you judge whether the sock is twisted or not.
  • Red and green marked shackles for safe storing
    Once finished lowering it is a good idea to fix the clews into the shackles that are attached to the Easysnuffer's funnel - each one marked with a red or green strap, respectively. This minimises the risk of shackling in the wrong sheet next time you hoist the sail. Note, when the clews are not fixed, the shackles disappear in their neoprene pockets so that they cannot interfere with the sail or any lines.
  • ISTEC AG was founded in 2004 from Swing Flugsportgeräte GmbH. Swing is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of paragliders and accessories. At the joint headquarters in Landsberied near Munich (Bavaria), ISTEC and Swing work together closely inthe areas of development, purchasing, manufacturing, and administration.

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