We have been building modern yachts since 2022
Preserving the traditions since 1966

Want to sell or to buy pre-owned NAUTICAT yacht?

We have been building modern yachts since 2022
Preserving the traditions since 1966
We have been building modern yachts since 2022
Preserving the traditions since 1966
Want to join a community of happy Nauticat yacht owners?
We have collected offers about pre owned Nauticat yachts available for sale from all over the world

We will help you to find a pre-owned Nauticat yacht on request and we also can support your buying or selling process.
Pre-owned Nauticat yachts for sale
We will help you to find a Nauticat yacht that will be your friend for many years in sailing
Describe what kind of Nauticat yacht you dream about and we will get in touch if we find it.
We can build your dream yacht
Or have a look at the catalogue of new yachts models
Failed to find your dream Nauticat?
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Nauticat survey
When buying a pre-owned Nauticat yacht, you can order the service of Nauticat Survey. It is a possibility to know your future Nauticat yacht well even before buying and a guarantee of a safer purchase for you.
Survey is an inspection and a preparation of a report on actual technical condition of a vessel or its part including environmental factors. The survey is carried out by an experienced and certified Nauticat surveyor
Hiring of a certified surveyor in any part of the world
Arranging a meeting with the yacht owner
Assessment of condition and cost within 1 working day
Providing the customer with the survey report within 1−2 days
  • for 30-39 ft Nauticats’ - from 2000 EUR*
  • for 40-49 ft Nauticats’ - form 3000 EUR*
  • for 50+ ft Nauticats’ - form 3500 EUR*

*not included surveyor travel costs
Survey from Nauticat is
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We will help to find a good owner for your Nauticat yacht anywhere in the world
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